The RiteCare© Childhood Language Center of the Coachella Valley
A child with speech and/or language skills disorders has a special kind of developmental learning disability. These children are often of average or above average intelligence but have not acquired speech or language in a normal manner. The problems may range from a mild articulation delay to a severe expressive and/or receptive language difficulty (sometimes called developmental or childhood "aphasia"). Some of these children have difficulty understanding or remembering what is told them. Others may understand perfectly but cannot easily express their own wishes and thoughts.
The devastating effects of these disorders can be treated most effectively if identified early. With treatment for the child and guidance for the family, the majority of these language-disabled children are able to compete successfully with their peers as responsible, productive individuals throughout their childhood educational experience, and throughout their lives.
These treatments can last for several months. The children come in at least once a week, sometimes twice a week for treatment. If parents were to take their children to a private clinician it could cost them any where from $90.00 to $150.00 per session. The RiteCare© Childhood Language Center of the Coachella Valley does not charge parents for treatment or services. All services are completely free to families and paid for by the charitable donations of members of the Scottish Rite and community support, regardless of the families' ability to pay.
These language problems frequently extend into the visual-linguistic areas, severely affecting the development of reading and writing skills. Severe reading problems are often a result of "dyslexia." Since reading and writing are language functions, both oral-language and written-language deficits may be found in the same child. Some children, however, seem to acquire oral language readily, but have great difficulty acquiring written language. Such problems are often not discovered until the child begins school.
The Center
The RiteCare© Childhood Language Center of the Coachella Valley consists of two therapy rooms, a monitoring room and a waiting room for parents and volunteers. We have two professional, California State Certified Speech Pathologists and many volunteers. The therapy rooms are equipped with one-way audio/video cameras where parents and gaurdians observe the children during therapy sessions. The RiteCare© Childhood Language Center of the Coachella Valley provides a professional, warm and friendly environment conducive to a child's learning and succeeding.
Treatment Information
Services: The Center provides complete evaluations in speech, language and communication skills, and short or long-term individualized treatment as needed. Treatment sessions are typically 50 minutes long and the child is seen one to two times weekly. Parent observation is required and parents are trained to reinforce the skills developed in the home, resulting in a much faster and stronger learning process.
We offer consultation to parents regarding educational choices, as well as ongoing conferencing with teachers and other involved professionals.
Eligibility: Children from 3 years to 17 years who exhibit language disorders.
Hours: By appointment.
Area Served: Coachella Valley, High Desert and Banning Pass areas. While there are no geographic residential requirments, parents must provide transportation.
More Information...
If you have questions about out services or you want application information, contact the RiteCare Language Center Director:
RiteCare Childhood Language Center of Coachella Valley
Phone: 760 341-6208
Director: Mark A Flint
All children are evaluated regardless of faith, creed, heritage or ability to pay.
Giving, Donations & Estate Planning
Your dollars can make a lasting improvement in young lives that need help. Typical gifts are:
Securities or Real Estate
Personal Property or Gifts-in-Kind
Wills and Bequests
Life Insurance
Memorial Gifts
Send your contribution to the RiteCare© Childhood Language Center of the Coachella Valley You may give in honor of a selected individual who will receive a donation acknowledgment that shows the name of the donor but not the amount of the gift. This is true also when a contributor offers a gift In Memory Of someone special to them and we notify the family for you.
Many Scottish Rite Masons like to remember the Center when they plan their estates. This can be done by a lifetime gift through insurance, or in your will.
Because the California Scottish Rite Foundation is a not-for-profit, charitable tax-exempt organizaion, with 501(c)(3) status, all contributions may be considered deductible for income tax purposes in accordance with IRS regulations.
Federal Tax ID #94-6078728